Why would anyone want to turn off their WiFi at night?
I mean, it’s not bothering you.
It sits quietly there in the corner, making no sound, no movement.
Why not leave it as it is? Why take that extra step to turn off your WiFi at night?
Well, here’s the answer. The little trip to the WiFi kill switch every night can literally save your life.

Want to Slash Your EMF Health Risks?
Want to Slash Your EMF Health Risks?
Good! Learn the one small change you should make right now.
If Sleep Was a Pill
- Every year, 1.2 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes.
- One in every 5 deaths in America is because of heart problems.
- Over 70 million Americans are obese.
- Nearly 21 million Americans suffer from depression.
Living the modern lifestyle? You’re at risk too.
But what if I told you there was a not-so-secret weapon that could slash your risk of developing these problems?
That’s it. That’s the weapon.
A wise person once said that if you could get all the benefits of a good night’s sleep from a pill, everyone would be lining up to spend their life’s savings on it.
You can get those benefits for free, and yet you don’t sleep enough.
But why?
Hint: It may not be your fault.
Addiction to Connectivity
This 218-word story is about one of our content writers who faced a dilemma many of us can relate to – sleeplessness.
Despite his best efforts, he woke up feeling exhausted every morning. He tried everything—new mattress, blackout curtains, even sleep apps—but nothing worked.
His days started to blend together in a haze of fatigue, affecting his creativity and productivity. Frustrated and desperate for a solution, he came to me for advice.
I suggested a seemingly simple yet radical idea: turn off the WiFi at night.
Skeptical but willing to try anything, he decided to give it a shot.
That first night, he made a ritual of flipping the WiFi switch off before heading to bed. It felt strange, almost like cutting off an invisible lifeline. Once again, it was hours of tossing and turning.
But determined to try anything, he persisted.
After a while of doing this ritual, he began to notice some changes.
Without the constant digital buzz, his mind began to relax. He fell asleep faster and woke up feeling more refreshed than he had in years.
The first night he actually fell asleep fast, he described it as so scrumptious, he gobbled it up and craved more.
Each night, he repeated the process, and each morning, he woke up feeling rejuvenated, ready to tackle the day with renewed energy"Energy" is a fundamental concept in physics, often described as the ability to do work or cause change. In everyday terms, it's what is needed to move things, heat them....
Today, he practically preaches the benefits of turning off WiFi at night to anyone who will listen.
A Silent Culprit
In our hyper-connected world, our addiction to constant connectivity is a silent culprit behind poor sleep.
As soon as you close your eyes, you remember unanswered emails and social media notifications. And if the tossing and turning goes on a bit longer, you start to think about your favorite TV show where you were left on a cliffhanger.
And to enable this behavior, your phone is right there. With a swipe, you’re plunged back into the digital vortex.
When you turn off your WiFi router, even if you want to, you can’t do any of this.
And nobody wants to run out of their monthly data just because they wanted to keep watching Breaking Bad. So, using mobile data is out of the question.
So, next time you head to bed, consider giving your mind a break from the digital noise.
Turn off your WiFi at night and discover how much better you can feel with a simple change in your nightly routine. You might just find yourself sleeping like our content writer, deeply and rejuvenatingly, every single night.
Screen Time and Sleep Disruption
It’s not just the ability to instantly take a deep dive into the digital vortex that keeps you awake at night.
Blue light is another culprit that’s snatching those amazing Zzzs away from you.
But you know, blue light wasn’t always the villain that it is today.
The sun produces blue light, and our bodies use it as its natural wake-up clock.
Here’s how it goes.
We see the sun >> our bodies go into activity mode. We feel active and ready to face the day.
The sun starts to disappear in the evening >> our bodies go into rest mode. We feel lethargic and ready to rest.
The same routine has been going on for thousands of years.
Cut to a few decades ago, screens that could emit blue light started hitting the market.
At first, the impact on people was minimal. But as technology advanced, screens began to emit more blue light, and these screens became more common in our daily lives.
Let’s have a look.
Evolution of Screens
Type | Period | Blue Light Emission | Impact on Circadian Rhythm |
CRT TVs | 1950s-2000s | Low to moderate | Low to moderate impact, especially during prolonged viewing. |
Plasma TVs | 1990s-2010s | Moderate | Moderate impact, less than LED TVs but still significant. |
LCD TVs | 2000s-present | High | High impact, especially when viewed in the evening or at night. |
LED TVs | 2000s-present | High | High impact, massive interference with circadian rhythms. |
Early Mobile Phones with LCD Screens | 1990s-2000s | Low to moderate | Low to moderate impact, extended use could still affect sleep. |
Smartphones with LED and OLED Screens | 2010s-present | High | High impact, significant source of blue light exposure. |
Today, even when the sun sets, our exposure to blue light doesn’t end.
This artificial glow keeps our minds buzzing, stealing the peace we need to unwind. As a result, we find ourselves tossing and turning, unable to drift off into a restful sleep.
If you just turn off your WiFi at night, your screens will simply not be that appealing.
And you know what that means. Your exposure to blue light ends earlier – and your body gets a chance to wind down, resulting in a much better sleep throughout the night.
EMF Exposure
Decreased blue light and reduced overstimulation of your mind aren’t the only benefits you get when you turn off your WiFi at night.
Your exposure to EMF comes down as well.
We all know WiFi uses EMF radiation"Radiation" in the context of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) refers to the process by which energy is emitted and transmitted through space or a material medium in the form of electromagnetic... to connect you to the internet. And your phone uses the same radiation to connect to your router.
So when you’re using your phone that’s connected to WiFi, you’re exposing yourself to EMF from two different sources – your phone and your router.
And this is a huge problem because decades of research show us that prolonged exposure to EMF radiation is extremely harmful to humans.
If you keep exposing your body to this radiation, it can cause you problems ranging from minor sleep disorders to chronic diseases like cancer, say these experts.
You can learn more about the health effects of EMF in my “Health Effects of EMF Radiation” page.
So, Turn Off Your WiFi at Night
Think about it. You and your family sleep somewhere between six and nine hours a night. (Hopefully)
Simply turning off your WiFi router will cut out that radiation exposure entirely.
That’s approximately 1/3rd of your life without unnecessary WiFi radiation exposure.
But besides less EMF, low blue light exposure, and a calm mind, there are still a few more benefits left if you turn off your WiFi at night.
Firstly, increased personal security (because WiFi can’t be hacked if it’s not on).
Secondly, less power consumption (these little devices use a lot more electricity than you might realize).
According to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC):
There are approximately 145 million of these little boxes in people’s homes, and on a per household basis, they consume just under 100 kilowatts per year – more than a new energy-efficient 32-inch TV, twice as much as a new 14-inch ENERGY STAR laptop computer, and 30 times as much as a cell phone charger.
In 2012, small network equipment consumed more than… three dirty coal power"Power" in a scientific context refers to the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. In simpler terms, it's how fast something is using energy. For example,... plants’ worth of electricity.
These small, innocuous black boxes that never sleep consume enough electricity each year to power all 1.2 million homes in the Silicon Valley area.
The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
In fact, the NRDC found that turning off WiFi when not in use could save $300M in energy costs annually — and that’s just in the United States.
So, turn off your WiFi router at night. It’s not just good for your health – it’s great for your wallet, too!
So, How Do You Do It – Turn off Your WiFi At Night?
Here are some ways to safely turn off the WiFi router in your home.
Unplug It From the Socket
The easiest and most obvious way to turn off your WiFi at night is to simply unplug your WiFi router/modem when you go to bed.
When you wake up, you can plug it back in.
Some routers also come with a built-in off button. Push that and you’re done for the night.
Use a Timer
If you don’t want to add one more thing to your chores, you can also use a timer.
These timers (like this one on Amazon) are super easy to use, they’re mechanical, so they aren’t a source of extra radiation, and most importantly, they’re light on your wallet.
Simply plug your router into a timer >> set the timer to go on and off when you want it to >> and voila! You don’t need to worry about it anymore.
Use Your Router’s Built-in Timer
Before buying a new timer for your router, you also might want to check if your router has this facility. Because some routers do.
But I am warning you right now, it requires modifying your router’s settings. And if you’re not technologically comfortable doing that, I suggest you don’t poke that sleeping bear.
Although if messing with settings is your second nature like mine, there are a ton of tutorials online.
Simply search “how to set a timer on [router name] WiFi router,” and you’ll get a ton of results showing you how to do it.
Turn Off Your WiFi At Night Using Your Phone
You can use your phone to turn off your WiFi – ironic, isn’t it? Like using a candle to melt the wax that fuels it.
Some routers like Asus and Verizon come with apps that you can use to turn off your WiFi router.
What if neither your internet service provider nor WiFi router manufacturer has an app available? Don’t worry: there’s still a way to do this.
You can use the web browser on your phone.
Just open the web browser and go to your router’s web address (usually something like From there, you can find the button to shut it off.
Here are links to the instructions for how to disable WiFi on some of the most common routers and internet providers.
ISP specific Modem/Router Instructions:
Modem/Router Manufacturer Instructions:
What If You Don’t Want to Cut Off WiFi Entirely
I know cutting off your internet connection entirely might not be a simple choice for some people.
As for me, some days I have late-night meetings and I need internet access, or I may need to back up some things overnight.
So, it becomes impossible for me to cut off my internet.
Now what if I tell you that using the internet is possible even if you turn off your WiFi?
Yep. All you need is an ethernet cable and some other gear if you have more than one point that needs access.
Our in-house EMF expert, Cathy Cooke, has created a fantastic course that helps you quickly hardwire your internet connection without any professional help.
The course is just 40 minutes long, so it won’t take much of your time.
So, check out the course, and start making your home safer for you and your loved ones.
Final Thoughts
Imagine the tranquility of a home undisturbed by the constant hum of WiFi, where nights are serene and sleep is restorative.
Each evening, as you switch off your WiFi, you create a sanctuary from the digital noise, allowing your mind and body to unwind naturally.
The benefits extend beyond sleep: there’s also reduced EMF exposure, lower blue light interference, and a deeper connection with your own rhythms.
Your mornings become more vibrant, your health more robust — all from this simple, conscious decision.
Turning off your WiFi at night is a step towards a healthier, more peaceful life, reclaiming your nights and revitalizing your days.
Embrace the calm, cherish the rest, and feel the difference it makes. Not just for you, but for your loved ones too.
Speaking of loved ones, did you know that carrying your phone in your pocket has significant effects on your fertility?
Learn more about it in my post, “Is It Safe to Carry Your Phone in Your Pocket? No, and Here’s Why.”