If you’re wondering what EMF consulting is all about, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll explain what it is, how you can get it, and how it can help you lead a better, healthier life.
Human-made EMF in our environment has increased massively in the last 20 years. And if you’ve been following SYB, you know how harmful prolonged exposure to a large amount of EMF radiation"Radiation" in the context of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) refers to the process by which energy is emitted and transmitted through space or a material medium in the form of electromagnetic... is for your health. Thus, it has become necessary to take measures that help us prevent heavy EMF emissions from entering and damaging our bodies.
But EMF shieldingEMF shielding refers to the practice of reducing the electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure in a particular area by blocking or altering the electromagnetic waves with barriers made of conductive or... is somewhat tricky. Make a mistake while installing or using EMF shielding materials, and you risk cancelling out their benefits – or, worse, even amplifying the EMF emissions. And your health will suffer as a result of that exposure.
That’s where EMF experts come in. Certified EMF experts provide EMF consulting services, helping you do EMF mitigation and shielding the right way.
Why Do You Need EMF Shielding?
The concept of EMF shielding is not new. It has been around since the mid-1800s when scientist Michael FaradayMichael Faraday: Pioneer of Electromagnetism and the Faraday Cage Michael Faraday, born on September 22, 1791, in Newington Butts, Surrey, England, was a brilliant scientist and experimentalist who made groundbreaking... performed an experiment that later came to be known as the Faraday Cage.

EMF Shielding was originally designed to protect sensitive equipment from damage caused by electricity and EMF.

Want to Slash Your EMF Health Risks?
Want to Slash Your EMF Health Risks?
Good! Learn the one small change you should make right now.
But, since the advent of cell phones and other wireless devices, scientists have become increasingly interested in EMF’s health effects in humans, animals, and nature. At this point in time, there are already tens of thousands of published studies and experiments on the topic. And an increasingly overwhelming body of evidence points to one thing: the human body reacts to even very low exposures– even amounts of radiation many orders of magnitude below what safety regulations permit. And these exposures can result in adverse health effects.
Today, multiple companies are racing against each other to dominate the tech consumer market. Every year, they release new gadgets with irresistible features that tempt us to buy their products. But every time you buy those gadgets, you add another powerful EMF source to your already EMF-infused surroundings. And that will test your body’s EMF tolerance, which, at one point or another, is increasingly likely to break. That’s why you should always consider whether that extra ‘smart’ gadget is really something you need in your life.
Take analog meters and smart meters as an example.
Analog meters are perfectly capable of showing you your electricity and gas usage. Yet, the majority of people prefer smart meters, because they are more interactive, multifunctional, and can share your usage information directly with your supplier and to your device.
Smart meters are, of course, a better management system than analog meters.
But are they absolutely necessary?
Probably not. And the level of EMF emission that smart meters add to the environment is most definitely not worth the convenience they provide.
Now here’s the other thing about smart meters: nowadays, many people have to use them. They no longer get a choice. Similarly, cellular networks are also getting stronger than ever, and they radiate through your home even if you don’t use the network.
As do your neighbors’ WiFi networks, and other EMF sources outside your control.
So, how can you protect yourself in this EMF-filled environment? The most effective way is with EMF shielding.
Effects of Long-Term EMF Exposure
The effects of EMF on human health is not merely a theory. Throughout years of research, scientists have acquired firm evidence that prolonged exposure to EMF is harmful to humans, animals, and nature.
There’s also the growing issue of EHS.
In 2013, The Guardian published an article after an interview with Tim Hallam, who had covered his bedroom with thin layers of tin foil.
When asked about the room, Hallam said, “The room is completely insulated; the edges are sealed with aluminum tape and connected with conducting tape so I could groundIn the context of electricity, "ground" or "earthing" refers to a reference point in an electrical circuit from which voltages are measured, a common return path for electric current, or... the whole room. It’s a Faraday cageA Faraday cage, named after the English scientist Michael Faraday who invented them in 1836, is a structure used to shield its contents from external electric fields, including electromagnetic fields..., effectively. Grounding helps with the low-frequency radiation, apparently. The high frequencies just bounce off the outside.”

So, what could be the reason behind building such an unusual room?
This is because Tim Hallam was suffering from electro-hypersensitivity.
Electrohypersensitivity or EHS is a medical condition that causes fatigue, tiredness, concentration difficulties, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitation, digestive disturbances, and other health issues when the person comes in contact with EMF.
And as our exposure to EMF increases, so too do the cases of electrohypersensitivity. A 2020 study published in The International Journal of Molecular Sciences called it “a new insidious worldwide plague involving millions of people”, and concluded that EHS is an objective, biological disorder.
As well as EHS, EMF can also cause other illnesses such as immunosuppression, autoimmune diseases, infertility, sleep issues, DNA damage, and even chronic diseases like cancer.
If you have kids at your home, it’s worth being extra cautious as children are more vulnerable to the effects of EMF than adults.
EMF at Your Home and Office
People spend the majority of their time at their home and office. And unsurprisingly, home and office are the places where most of your EMF exposure occurs.
An average home contains devices like mobile phones, WiFi routers, smart TVs, smart meters, and BluetoothFrom the perspective of someone concerned about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation, understanding Bluetooth radiation is crucial, especially in our increasingly wireless world. Bluetooth technology, ubiquitous in our daily... electronics. Similarly, most offices where people spend a minimum of 7-8 hours per day have devices like phones, computers, laptops, wireless printers, and WiFi routers. And all of these devices are heavy EMF emitters.
The effect of EMF exposure on your body depends on two factors. First, how strong the EMF emission is, and second, how long your exposure is.
Medical X-ray machines are a perfect example of this phenomenon. X-rays are a type of ionizing radiation, which is different from the non-ioninzing EMF emitted by your wireless devices. Ionizing radiation"Ionizing radiation" refers to a type of electromagnetic radiation that carries enough energy to liberate electrons from atoms or molecules, thereby ionizing them. This form of radiation is part of... – even in very small doses – poses a much greater immediate-term danger. With x-rays, we mitigate that risk by reducing the length of your exposure, to a few short bursts. If you were kept under an X-ray machine for hours, however, your body would certainly not cope so well.
Now think about how many hours of every day you spend exposed to EMF radiation. From your home to the office to your local shopping mall, wireless devices and networks are everywhere. This level of exposure is far beyond what our bodies have evolved to cope with.

The more your exposure accumulates over time, the more it harms your health.
The risk is not only from wireless electronics. The everyday electrical components in your home also emit a kind of EMF known as ELF or extremely low frequency radiation.
You can find ELF in your house’s electrical wiring, radiant electrical heating, dimmer switches, metal plumbing, and even inside your gadgets’ electrical circuitry.
ELF is much weaker than the radiofrequency (RF) EMF emitted by your wireless devices, but it contributes to the cumulative and ever-growing amount of radiation in our everyday environments.
In short, there’s a massive amount of EMF present at your home and in your office. Even if you haven’t noticed any health effects yet, it doesn’t mean the damage isn’t being done. Some serious conditions, such as cancer, can take decades to form. And oftentimes, health conditions can get into more advanced stages before they’re picked up and diagnosed.
That’s why acting fast is critical when it comes to EMF exposure. The great news is that there’s plenty you can do to lessen your exposure and protect the health of you and your loved ones. The key is really to work out what the right solutions are for you.
We are all exposed to a growing amount of EMF from a growing number of sources. But everyone’s exposures are unique to their lifestyles and environments. For example, for some people, the biggest exposures might come from smart meters. For other people, the biggest exposures might be the electrical wiring in their homes. And for still others, it may be a nearby cell tower.
Since everyone’s exposures are so varied, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to reduce your exposure– and your corresponding health risk.
That’s where getting high quality advice from certified experts comes in.
Opting for EMF consulting is a great choice in this scenario. It demystifies the issue and determines the exact steps you should take to reduce your EMF exposure and protect your health – without having to completely give up your devices.
Who Are Certified EMF Consultants?
EMF consulting is a service offered by certified EMF experts.
These experts evaluate the EMF level in your home and observe minute details about the sources of EMF emission. After this evaluation, they formulate a plan and make recommendations to reduce your EMF exposure.
EMF consulting service providers undergo rigorous training and exams before getting certified to work as an EMF consultant.
An EMF expert provides multiple services. These include:
- Home or office consultation
- Safety and personal protection products
- Inspection and treatment
- Electromagnetic fieldIn the context of electromagnetic fields (EMF), the term "field" refers to a region in space where electric and magnetic forces are exerted. An electromagnetic field is generated by electrically... measurements and assessment
- EMF building remediation
- Environmental EMF troubleshooting
- EMF shielding, including radio frequencyRadio Frequency (or RF), a subset of EMF, encompasses electromagnetic wave frequencies ranging from about 3 kilohertz (kHz) to 300 gigahertz (GHz). These frequencies are extensively used in modern wireless... shielding
- Mitigation of electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, and radio fields
- Detection of and protection from dirty electricityDirty Electricity, also known as electrical pollution, refers to the presence of irregularities or distortions in the normal electrical current within a wiring system. These distortions, which deviate from the...
- Electrosensitivity consultation

EMF experts can make practical suggestions on how to reduce your exposure in simple, cost-effective ways. They can assist you in correctly using your own EMF meter to test levels in your home. They can answer all your questions in easy-to-understand ways. And they can direct you on what to do if you have EHS symptoms.
No matter what your EMF shielding goals are, no matter how big your problem is, these experts will guide you through every step and make your life a little bit easier and a lot healthier.
How Can I Get In Touch With a Certified EMF Expert?
EMF is complicated. But protecting your health doesn’t have to be.
We’re exceptionally proud and excited to be able to put you in touch with a certified EMF expert who can answer all your questions and set you on a path to healthier living.
And in case you’re worried that your EMF consultant is going to tell you to ditch all your devices and go live in a tech-free cave, don’t be: part of their expertise is in devising solutions that fit your lifestyle. That means finding a workable balance between using modern technology and staying safe and healthy.
EMF consulting services are conducted from the comfort and convenience of your own home via Zoom. You also get a recording of your session so you can go back and revisit anything you’ve forgotten or aren’t sure about.
We’ve also included a range of session lengths so you can choose the one that suits you best. For example, if you just want to get started with a few questions, you can opt for a 20-minute consulting session. Longer sessions are up to 2 hours each.
All of our listed EMF consultants are certified by the Building Biology Institute, are highly experienced, and can be booked on your time zone at a time that suits you.
Find out more about EMF consulting and book your own personal session here.