Key Takeaways
A bedroom free of EMF is one where you can sleep the best.
Standard American homes have an average of six EMF sources that can impact sleep: electric fieldsDefinition and Nature of Electric Fields Electric fields are a fundamental aspect of electromagnetic fields, created by electric charges, either stationary or moving. These fields represent the force that electric..., magnetic fieldsDefinition and Nature of Magnetic Fields Magnetic fields are a fundamental aspect of electromagnetic fields, produced by moving electric charges (electric currents). The strength of a magnetic field is measured..., radiofrequency fields, dirty electricityDirty Electricity, also known as electrical pollution, refers to the presence of irregularities or distortions in the normal electrical current within a wiring system. These distortions, which deviate from the..., static electricityStatic electricity is a phenomenon where electric charge accumulates on an object's surface, typically caused by two surfaces rubbing together and transferring electrons. Unlike current electricity, which flows through a..., and blue light.
Start by making small changes. Switch off your WiFi router at night, and move one or two electronic appliances away from the bed. From there, you’ll find it easier to gradually make more changes that will lead to better health and give you your best sleep ever.
A bedroom free of EMF radiation—can you truly achieve it?
From WiFi routers and smartphones to the electrical wiring hidden in the walls, everything is bathing your bedroom in radiation"Radiation" in the context of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) refers to the process by which energy is emitted and transmitted through space or a material medium in the form of electromagnetic.... And it’s seriously messing with your sleep.
But is there a way to protect your Zzzs without going completely off the grid?
The answer, my friend, is a big, fat YES.
Reducing EMF in your bedroom is simpler than you might think. With just a few easy adjustments, you can transform your sleep space into a haven that promotes better rest and a healthier environment overall.

Want to Slash Your EMF Health Risks?
Want to Slash Your EMF Health Risks?
Good! Learn the one small change you should make right now.
So, let’s begin.
EMF and Sleep
EMF radiation. It’s everywhere, and unfortunately, it’s messing with your health in ways you might not even realize.
It’s linked to all kinds of problems, from stress and immune suppression to reproductive issues and even cancer.
You can learn more about it in SYB’s Health Effects of EMF Radiation page.
But one of the most immediate ways it affects you? Your sleep.
EMF exposure can disrupt your melatonin production and circadian rhythm—the two things your body relies on for deep, restful sleep.
This is backed by decades of research. One example is from 1999, when a study found that magnetic fieldIn the context of electromagnetic fields (EMF), the term "field" refers to a region in space where electric and magnetic forces are exerted. An electromagnetic field is generated by electrically... exposure messes with your sleep by cutting down on total sleep time, reducing sleep efficiency, and making it harder to get into the deeper stages of sleep, including REM.
The truth is, EMF is just a part of modern life. It’s coming from power"Power" in a scientific context refers to the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. In simpler terms, it's how fast something is using energy. For example,... lines, the wiring in your walls, your appliances, and especially anything wireless, like your phone or WiFi.
And there’s more. Those power lines and electrical wiring also generate “dirty electricity,” which adds even more potential health risks.
So, let’s have a deeper look at the types of EMFs present in your home.
Types of EMF Present in Your Home
Generally, you can find six types of EMFs in your home—all equally harmful.
While radiofrequency (RF) radiation from wireless devices like cell phones, WiFi routers, and smart meters tends to grab the spotlight, it’s just one of many EMF sources you need to be aware of.
Let’s take a closer look.
Electric Fields
Humans have become massively power-dependent over the last 100 years, and as a result, our homes are laced with electrical wiring.
These wires carry electric currents due to the flow of electrons inside them. Now, ideally, those electrons would stay neatly inside the cables and flow in a straight line, but that’s not how it works.
Instead, they move in a circular pattern, extending 6 to 8 feet outside the wires, creating electric fields.
To put it simply, if you’re within 6 to 8 feet of these wires, you’re bathing in those electric fields.
And with the average bedroom in the U.S. measuring around 11 x 12 feet, escaping those fields is nearly impossible.
On top of that, most of us keep lamps, alarm clocks, and phone chargers plugged in right next to our beds—making matters worse.
Here’s where it gets tricky: electric fields build up, and the more gadgets you have around, the harder it gets for your body to handle the load.
That’s because electricity has only been around for a little over 100 years. And that’s nothing compared to how long humans have been evolving on this planet.
Our bodies just haven’t caught up to the tech-heavy world we live in today.
If we take a good look at health statistics from the last century, it’s clear we’ve hit a few bumps in the road since electricity became a major part of our lives.
From sleep issues to chronic health problems, a lot of modern ailments trace back to the wires in our walls.
But don’t worry, I’m not suggesting you ditch electricity and go back to reading by candlelight.
There are practical solutions. More on that below.
Magnetic Fields
Magnets exert forces that attract or repel each other, and this process is called magnetism. You may have seen this process in action with refrigerator magnets.
When electric current flows, it creates a magnetic field, similar to the force that your fridge magnets exert.
Magnetic fields always accompany the flow of electricity.
Although invisible to the naked eye, magnetic fields are present in your home and, like electric fields, are harmful to your health.
Common sources of elevated magnetic fields come from:
- Overhead or buried power lines
- Wiring errors or current on water pipes, gas pipes, or cable lines
- Appliances with variable speed motors, like refrigerators, blenders, hairdryers, electric toothbrushes, electric shavers, etc.
Radio Frequency EMF
Radiofrequency, or RF, is one of the most common and most dangerous EMF types present in today’s world.
Radio Frequency EMF generally comes from:
- Cell phones
- Cell towers
- Cordless phones
- WiFi
- Smart meters
- Wireless earbuds
- Smart speakers
- Anything with Bluetooth
- Fitness trackers
- Wireless mice and keyboards
- Baby monitors
- Appliances
The list goes on.
There are many ways to reduce your RF radiation exposure. But you can begin by minimizing your use of, and maximizing your distance from, wireless gadgets.
Refer to the Two Key Rules of EMF Protection for more information.
Dirty Electricity
Dirty electricity, also known as electricity pollution, is not a scientific term. It is, however, commonly used by experts to indicate corrupted or transformed electricity.
Electricity flows in the standard frequency of 50 to 60 Hz, depending on where you live.
One Hertz or Hz means the completion of one cycle per second. And when we say cycle, it means one complete wave of alternating current or voltage.
Now, if we don’t disturb the electricity flow, its cycles will complete smoothly, and there will be no dirty electricity.
But, many of us find huge convenience in using energy-saving devices.
And, when we use these devices, they change the sine wave and cause micro surges in the electricity flow.
As a result, the EMF comes out about 6-8 feet into your living space, creating a highly EMF polluted environment.
Although dirty electricity does not get much attention, this field can cause a variety of symptoms, especially among the most electrically hypersensitive people.
Static Electricity
Many of us don’t think much of it, but static electricity also has something to do with EMF-induced health issues.
Despite its innocuous appearance, it contributes to your EMF load more than you’d think.
Static electricity is different from electrical current"Electrical current" refers to the flow of electric charges (like electrons) through a conductor, such as a wire. It's similar to how water flows through a pipe. In electrical systems,.... It forms when the positive and negative charges of an atom are out of balance.
For instance, you may have noticed some tiny sparks while taking off your woolen clothes along with an audible noise. This is caused by the woolen clothes rubbing against your body.
When you rub two objects against each other, one item supplies electrons to the other one. Meaning, one item loses some electrons, and the other one gains those lost electrons.
Objects like wool, glass, human skin, and hair are more likely to gather electric charges and have static electricity.
Blue Light
Unlike static electricity, blue light has built quite a reputation in recent years for being a serious sleep disruptor.
Today, nearly all of our gadgets—from smartphones to laptops—emit blue light.
Health experts warn that exposure to blue light, especially in the evening when your body should be winding down, is a key culprit behind problems like insomnia, even in healthy individuals.
Why is blue light such a big deal?
It all comes down to your body’s circadian rhythm—the internal clock that tells you when to wake up and when to sleep, based on the rising and setting of the sun.
The issue is, blue light mimics natural sunlight.
So when you spend hours in front of screens at night, your body gets confused and temporarily loses its ability to distinguish between day and night.
This messes with your melatonin production—the hormone responsible for inducing REM sleep, which is crucial for waking up feeling refreshed.
Without enough melatonin, you’ll find yourself tossing and turning all night, only to wake up feeling tired and fatigued the next day.
How To Make A Bedroom EMF Free
So, there you have it—six types of EMFs that pollute not just your bedroom, but your entire home.
But here’s the good news: you don’t have to live with this fact.
You can make changes, and here’s your complete guide on how to make a bedroom EMF-free.
1) Keep Electronics Out of the Bedroom
It’s one thing to enjoy your gadgets during the day, but when you’re asleep, they’re just sitting there, emitting radiation that does nothing but disrupt your rest.
If you’ve got wireless devices like your phone in your bedroom, it’s time to kick them out.
And if keeping your phone in another room isn’t an option for you, at least put it on airplane mode at night.
Let your bedroom be a bedroom that’s only used for sleep and romance. And nothing else.
2) Turn Off Your WiFi at Night
Here’s a fact for you. You don’t need internet when you’re sleeping.
Unless the human race turns into a human-cyborg fusion and you need internet to dream, you won’t need it at night any time soon.
When you keep your WiFi router on 24/7, it leads to a significant level of cumulative EMF exposure.
So, besides tossing your phone out of the bedroom or putting it in airplane mode, make it a habit to turn off your WiFi router every night.
If you don’t know how, SYB CEO R Blank has written a fantastic guide on this very topic. So, check it out.
3) Don’t Use Electric Blankets
Electric blankets might keep you cozy, but they also wrap you up like a burrito… in a nice layer of EMF radiation.
So if you’re thinking of buying one—don’t!
Here are some better (and safer) ways to stay warm without the EMF exposure:
- Use a heavier comforter or a down duvet.
- Opt for flannel sheets or cozy sweatshirt sheets.
- Turn up the heat a little at night.
- Wear socks or even a beanie to bed.
- Slip a hot water bottle under your blanket for that extra warmth.
What if you already have one, and can’t just throw it out? In this case, try using it to preheat your bed, then switch it off before you crawl in.
That way, you still get the warmth without soaking in the radiation all night.
4) Don’t Sleep on a Metal Coil Mattress
Now that you’ve kicked out the obvious EMF offenders from your space, you’re super close to turning it into a bedroom that’s free of EMF.
So, let’s continue. Your mattress. Especially your metal coil mattress.
Did you know that these mattresses amplify radiation?
The metal coils in your mattress or box spring act like antennas, pulling in and amplifying EMF radiation from devices like your WiFi router and BluetoothFrom the perspective of someone concerned about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation, understanding Bluetooth radiation is crucial, especially in our increasingly wireless world. Bluetooth technology, ubiquitous in our daily... gadgets.
These electromagnetic waves get trapped and channeled right up to your body.
You can easily fix this by switching to a mattress without metal coils, like memory foam or natural latex.
Or, consider a platform bed that doesn’t even need a box spring.
5) Turn Off Your Bedroom Adjacent Breakers
If you have an EMF meter handy, now’s the time to put it to use! Test the electrical fields in your bedroom to see how much EMF is lurking around.
Don’t have an EMF meter? No worries—you can easily pick up a consumer-grade one at a reasonable price.
Once you’ve got your meter, the first place to check is right above your pillow. If the levels are higher than the safe range—and they usually are—there are a few things you can do.
First, move your bed a few feet away from the wall. Whether or not you’ve tested the fields, it’s always a good idea.
The further you are from the wires, the weaker the EMF exposure gets.
Next, I recommend turning off the breaker for your bedroom.
It’s easy—just head to your main breaker panel, find the bedroom breaker, and flip it off. Before you do, take a reading above your pillow, and then recheck it after the power is off.
Chances are, the numbers will drop, and that’s what you want!
Still seeing higher-than-safe levels? Try turning off the adjacent breakers to cut down the fields even further.
Keep in mind, though, flipping breakers daily isn’t ideal—this is mainly for testing. Once you know which circuits are problematic, consider installing a kill switch or a remote cut-off controller. Hire an electrician if needed.
These let you turn off specific circuits without having to mess with the breakers every day.
And finally, avoid placing any wires near or under your bed.
This goes for lamps and alarm clocks too! Instead, use a clip-on book light for reading, and if you need an alarm clock, opt for a battery-powered version or put it across the room.
6) Keep Your Furniture Away from Appliances
This isn’t for the bedroom, although it may apply to specific circumstances– never place a bed, a chair, or a couch on the other side of the wall where a large appliance or the breaker panel is present.
A few months ago, I was doing a standard magnetic field assessment in a client’s house. There was an unusually high magnetic field reading around the daughter’s bed.
I began searching for the source of this magnetic field, and found a refrigerator directly on the other side of the wall.
I asked the client to move the bed to the other side of the room. Once they did, the magnetic field around the bed reduced dramatically.
You can do this assessment in your home even without an EMF meter.
Check your house to see if there are electrical appliances present near the furniture. And try to move the furniture as far as possible from the electrical appliances.
7) Get Rid of Dimmer Switches
Dimmer switches may make your room cozy, but when it comes to your health, they’re bad news.
They disrupt the flow of electricity and cause micro surges which results in a significant increase in the presence of dirty electricity in your home.
If you already have one installed in your home, you can simply call an electrician to switch them out. Doing this will significantly decrease your exposure to dirty electricity.
If you need ambiance, you can use candles. And you can also opt for the old incandescent light bulbs. They’re the safest by far.
Also, I recommend avoiding LED and CFLs as they contribute to dirty electricity and radiofrequency radiation.
8) Avoid Using Synthetic Materials
Synthetic materials increase your risk of exposure to static electricity. So, avoid using products made from synthetic materials.
Doing this will not only decrease your exposure to static electricity but as an added bonus, it will improve your air quality.
Focus on natural materials in all areas of your home, but especially your bedroom. Materials like cotton, bamboo, linen, silk, and wool are natural and will benefit you greatly.
You can also easily find natural bedding material. And for flooring, I strongly suggest avoiding wall to wall carpet, but you can find wool throw rugs or even natural grasses like sisal and jute.
And if you must have it, you can find a wall to wall carpet made from wool, which is a much better option than the petroleum-based carpet you find in most places.
9) Sleep Inside the SYB Faraday Bed Canopy
If you manage to do everything I recommended in this post, you’ll start to notice the changes in your sleep in no time.
But even after taking all of these precautions, you will still be exposed to some EMF.
Because even after you take control over the EMF sources in your home, there are sources that are outside your control. Like your neighbor’s WiFi, nearby cell tower, or nearby base stations.
You can’t turn them off.
So, to avoid that exposure, here’s what you can do: sleep inside the SYB Faraday Bed Canopy.
This is the first product from SYB that protects your entire body from all EMF sources, all night long.
It’s made from 100% silver thread, for incredibly powerful shielding. In fact, it is the only EMF protection faraday bed canopy available that has been tested against 5G frequencies up to 26 GHz.
It also includes shielding floor mats, so you can create a fully enclosed protective space for your sleep—basically a cozy faraday cage—protecting you in every single direction.
It has slits for easy entry and exit on both sides of the bed. And it’s even machine washable.
So, invest in the SYB Faraday Bed Canopy if you want to fully protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of EMF.
Book One-On-One Time with Cathy Cooke – Get Expert Help with EMF!
Feeling overwhelmed by EMF exposure and not sure where to start? I’ve got you covered.
As a Certified Electromagnetic RadiationElectromagnetic radiation refers to the waves of the electromagnetic field, propagating through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes a wide range of electromagnetic waves, from very long radio waves... Specialist, I’ve helped countless people just like you take control of their environment and reduce the harmful effects of EMF.
Why Book a One-On-One Session with Me?
- Expert Guidance You Can Trust: With years of experience and certification by the Building Biology Institute, I’ll give you clear, personalized advice based on your unique situation.
- Take the Guesswork Out: General EMF advice doesn’t fit your unique situation? In our session, we’ll dive into your specific environment, whether it’s your home office, bedroom, or your entire house, and I’ll show you how to reduce your EMF exposure room by room.
- Save Time and Money: Don’t waste money on unnecessary equipment or solutions that don’t work. I’ll help you avoid costly mistakes and guide you toward the right tools and products.
- Convenient & Comfortable: Book a Zoom session from anywhere in the world and get expert advice right from your home. Plus, I’ll send you a recording of our session so you can revisit it anytime.
What You’ll Get in Your Session
- A detailed look at your unique EMF concerns.
- Practical advice on reducing EMF in your home (including specific products, tips, and strategies).
- Personalized instruction on how to measure EMF with your own equipment.
- Clear explanations of the four key EMF fields (radiofrequency, electric fields, magnetic fields, and dirty electricity).
- Ongoing support—you’ll have access to the recording of our session for future reference.
Take the First Step Toward a Healthier Life Today!
Don’t wait for EMF exposure to affect your health. Whether you’re just getting started or need expert advice to take your EMF protection to the next level, I’m here to help you every step of the way.
Book your personal consultation now and let’s create a safer, healthier environment for you and your loved ones!