Desktop computers don’t expose your reproductive organs to their EMF emissions directly like laptops do. This is because, to use desktops, you have to keep them at a certain distance. And since the power"Power" in a scientific context refers to the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. In simpler terms, it's how fast something is using energy. For example,... of EMF weakens as it travels, it’s fair to think that desktop computers are far safer than laptops. Right?
Well, it’s true to a certain degree. But desktop computers have their own set of problems, which we’ll discuss in-depth in this post. Besides that, we’ll also talk about things you can do to keep yourself on the safer side while using a desktop computer.
So, let’s begin.
Desktop Vs. Laptops: Which is Better?
Although there are many things that make one machine superior to another, desktops are generally considered better than laptops. The reason is that desktops have a larger area, which means the hardware inside them will have more space to work, unlike in laptops, where everything is cramped in a tiny space.
According to experts, if you get a desktop and a laptop with an identical configuration, you’ll notice the laptop will start facing problems after some time. Whereas desktops, in most cases, will stay intact.
But it isn’t fair to judge these machines based on their performance alone because they are both built for different circumstances, and it really depends on your requirements.

Want to Slash Your EMF Health Risks?
Want to Slash Your EMF Health Risks?
Good! Learn the one small change you should make right now.
What isn’t different is that you spend a lot of time on both machines, and they both emit a massive amount of EMF. This is why it’s important to know the amount of EMF your computer exposes you to while working on it so that you can take necessary further actions.
EMF From Laptops and Desktop Computers
Both laptops and desktop computers emit different kinds of EMFs from their different hardware and functions. Have a look.
Visible Light
Most people don’t realize that visible light is also a form of EMF. It lies in the mid-section of the electromagnetic spectrumThe electromagnetic spectrum encompasses the entire range of electromagnetic radiation, which varies in wavelength and frequency. This spectrum includes, in order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength, radio waves, microwaves,..., and it’s the only kind of EMF that we can see with our naked eyes.
Your laptop screen or desktop monitor emits visible light to project whatever you’re doing on it. At any given time, your computer screen emits around 400 to 800 THz of EMF in the form of visible light.
The WiFi antenna in your computer emits radiofrequency radiation"Radiation" in the context of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) refers to the process by which energy is emitted and transmitted through space or a material medium in the form of electromagnetic... to connect with the WiFi router. This electromagnetic fieldIn the context of electromagnetic fields (EMF), the term "field" refers to a region in space where electric and magnetic forces are exerted. An electromagnetic field is generated by electrically... operates on frequencies ranging from 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz.
Besides that, these machines also have BluetoothFrom the perspective of someone concerned about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation, understanding Bluetooth radiation is crucial, especially in our increasingly wireless world. Bluetooth technology, ubiquitous in our daily... connectivity, which operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency"Frequency" in the context of electricity, Electromagnetic Fields (EMF), and wireless communication, can be thought of as the number of times something happens in a second. Specifically, it refers to... range.
Also, if you have a wireless keyboard and mouse setup, they add to the radiofrequency & Bluetooth emissions.
Extremely Low Frequency
Extremely low frequencyDefinition and Characteristics Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) refers to the lower end of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum with frequencies from 3 Hz to 300 Hz. This range lies below the... or ELF radiation comes from the electronic circuitry inside the machine. And in the case of desktops, the wires and cables also produce this radiation.
So, Which One Should You Get?
Even though laptop and desktop computers emit the same types of electromagnetic fields, the amount in which they produce these radiations is not the same. Research says that desktop computers actually produce significantly more EMFs than laptops.
Desktops are bigger, contain larger hardware components, and require more cables than a laptop. So naturally, they will give off more EMF than their compact counterparts.
But why does it matter?
EMF & Health
Your body isn’t evolved to face the level of EMF you’re facing today. From your bedroom to public spaces, you’re showered with EMF everywhere you go. And that’s not good.
Studies show that prolonged exposure to EMF can cause issues ranging from minor sleep disorders to chronic diseases like cancer. Let’s have a deeper look.
Weakened Immune Function
Your immune system performs one of the most crucial tasks in your body. It acts as your body’s natural defense against foreign microbes and allows you to live a healthy life.
Research studies say that being exposed to EMFs from sources like cell phones and your microwave oven daily disturbs your immunity pattern.
When your immune system is functioning properly, it acts appropriately to threats. But when EMF exposure disturbs its balance, it can over or underreact, which can be a huge problem.
Some of the immune system-related problems that develop as a result of prolonged EMF exposure are as follows:
- Immunosuppression
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Allergies
- Electro Hypersensitivity
And besides that, EMF exposure can also amplify diseases that you already have.
Almost all electronic gadget manufacturers advise you to keep their devices a specific distance away from your body. They do this because your EMF exposure exceeds legal limits when you use and carry devices like cell phones and laptops close to your body.
Using your laptop on your lap, carrying your phone in your pocket, or exposing your reproductive organs to virtually any kind of EMF for an extended duration can cause infertility, say research studies.
EMF-induced infertility affects men more than women, but women are also at significant risk. I have written a separate post on how EMF affects fertility which I highly recommend you go through.
Inadequate Hormone Production
Your endocrine system plays an extremely vital role in your body. From balancing your mood and generating appropriate responses to controlling your height and weight, almost all functions are hormone-regulated.
Experts say that exposing your body to a huge volume of EMF disrupts your endocrine system, due to which your body can’t produce the necessary hormones properly.
This results in problems like:
- Rapid weight changes
- Sleep disorders
- Skin issues
- Decrease in bone strength
- Unexplained changes in blood sugar and diabetes
- Irritability and anxiety
- Depression
- Migraines
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Reduced libido
- Thinning hair
- Infertility
- Reduced libido and ED
Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress is a condition that you develop due to your body producing free radicalsThe concept of "free radicals" in relation to oxidation and EMF (electromagnetic field) exposure is an area of ongoing research and debate within the scientific community. Free radicals are atoms,... in quantities greater than it can handle.
Free radicals aren’t something you need but you also can’t stop their production. They’re a by-product of your metabolism, and if their production is in a larger amount than what your body can eliminate, you can develop serious health problems.
But the good news is that your body also produces antioxidants, which clean up free radicals and keep you safe from their risks.
At any given moment, there needs to be a healthy balance between free radicals and antioxidants. And if there isn’t, you’ll be prone to developing oxidative stress, which can cause problems ranging from heart diseases and diabetes to sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction.
Studies have found that when you expose your body to EMF for a long time, the production of free radicals begins to increase in an overwhelming amount, and your body can’t produce enough antioxidants to fight them.
Working on Desktop: EMF Safety Tips
It’s clear that desktop computers expose you to a large amount of EMF which can make you extremely sick. But the good news is, there are things you can do to mitigate your exposure exponentially without having to quit your computer use. Here are some of them:
Manage Your Cables Neatly
When electricity flows inside the cables, it generates an extremely low frequency (ELF) field, which comes out of the wires, and occupies around eight feet of space.
In other words, if you’re within 6-8 feet of electrical wires, you’ll be exposed to massive electric fieldsDefinition and Nature of Electric Fields Electric fields are a fundamental aspect of electromagnetic fields, created by electric charges, either stationary or moving. These fields represent the force that electric... coming from the wires.
So, always try to keep the cables in your computer as far away from your body as you can. If they’re lying here and there, make sure to organize them properly, so you can determine what your position should be.
Get Off WiFi
When connected to WiFi, your computer has to emit large amounts of EMF to keep the connection stable with the router. And since EMF doesn’t travel linearly, you’ll get caught between that transmission.
But there’s a simple solution—wired internet.
See, when your internet travels to the router using an ethernet cable, most of the EMF stays inside. This will significantly reduce your EMF exposure. And since we’re talking about desktops, using an ethernet connection is convenient too.
Besides that, wired internet is faster, more stable, and a lot more secure than WiFi. I’ve written a separate post on the benefits of a wired internet connection, with simple instructions on how you can install it yourself. So, check it out.
No Wireless Accessories
Many people prefer using wireless accessories with their desktop computers—like wireless keyboard, mouse, and headphones. And it’s pretty convenient, I agree.
But these accessories are not without a downside. Most of these products either use Bluetooth or RF (radiofrequency) to connect with your computer. And having that many wirelessly connected devices in front of you is not exactly good for your health.
This is why you should always opt for their wired alternatives. They’ll give you an identical experience, minus the massive EMF exposure.
Consider EMF Shielding Products
Finally, you can also consider using EMF shieldingEMF shielding refers to the practice of reducing the electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure in a particular area by blocking or altering the electromagnetic waves with barriers made of conductive or... products (like the ones SYB makes and sells). When working with a massive EMF source like a computer, you’ll want to protect your sensitive body parts from exposure. Those parts include your reproductive organs, your head, and your neck.
We have a lot of products in our store to help you with this, like the SYB Baby Blanket, SYB Cap, and the SYB Neck Gaiter. So, give the Shield Your Body store a visit. We have laboratory-tested high-quality EMF shielding products for all your requirements.
Working On Desktop: General Safety Tips
While working on desktop computers, EMF exposure isn’t the only problem. Your chair, the way you sit, your monitor’s position… if you don’t have your setup right, you’ll suffer some major physical discomforts.
Problems like posture-related injuries are common in people who work on computers all day. Besides that, you can also develop eye strain, soreness in your neck, shoulders, arms, or back, and repetitive strain injury.
So, here are a few tips you can follow to prevent these from happening to you.
Invest in a Good Chair
It’s certainly tempting to buy the first decent-looking office chair you can find. After all, it’s just a chair, and if you can sit on it, what else do you need, right?
But, we’re talking about something on which you’ll spend several hours a day. And cheap chairs are never ergonomic or comfortable. If you use one for a long time, you may develop problems like neck and back pain. Long-term, it might even lead to surgical-level injuries.
So, look for a chair that’s comfortable, provides good lumbar support, has an angle locking system, and good adjustable armrests. If you’re willing to spend a bit more, you can also get one with a headrest. You’ll thank yourself in the long term.
Position Your Keyboard & Mouse Properly
It may seem insignificant, but the position of your keyboard and mouse really matters when you’re spending hours every day in the same position.
Always make sure to position your mouse and your keyboard at about elbow height. This lets your shoulders fall relaxed by your side.
Also, never place your keyboard and mouse on different levels. If you do this, you’ll have to keep moving your arms which can cause musculoskeletal injuries.
Adjust Your Screen Angle
There are two things that you need to keep in mind when positioning your computer monitor—height and viewing distance.
Height: There isn’t an exact number because it depends on the user’s height. But, if you have to tilt your chin down, or look up at your screen, then it’s not the correct setup. Make sure that your monitor is at your eye level.
Viewing distance: Your monitor should be positioned at least 20 inches or 51 centimeters from your eyes. If you’re eyeballing, it’s about an arm’s length. Although, if your screen is larger, you will need to add more distance.
Take Frequent Breaks
Taking frequent short breaks is essential while working on a computer. I get that you want to hit that deadline or complete your tasks so you can to take this weekend off.
But the fact is, your brain’s ability to focus drops significantly when you’re focusing on a single task for a long period, says a 2011 research study from the University of Illinois. So, even though you’re spending long hours at your desk, you’re not exactly being the most productive you can be.
Taking even 5 minutes break every hour will allow you to take your mind off your task and think about other things. This way, you can better focus on whatever you’re doing.
Working continuously is also bad for your physical health. Your body needs a little bit of stretching after sitting for some time. And if you don’t give it that, you put yourself at the risk of developing some serious physiological problems.
So, take breaks y’all.
Final Thoughts
If you’re thinking about what to choose between a laptop and a desktop, I’d say go for a desktop. I get that they emit more EMF than laptops, but you also have more control over your machine.
But if you already have a laptop and don’t want to shift to a desktop anytime soon, I’d suggest you visit my post on mitigating EMF exposure from laptops.