I’m honored that you have chosen the NCB from SYB to Shield Your Body from harmful EMF radiation from your grounding and earthing products.
And so I’ve assembled some information here on this page to inform you a bit more about how it’s made, what it does, and how it works. So please scroll down to learn more about your new investment.
If you have any questions – any questions at all – please do not hesitate to email me directly.
Thank you so much for trusting SYB. I really appreciate it.
R Blank
Please note, this page has information for the NCB. If you are interested in the NCB Pro, please click here.
The NCB from SYB makes it safer to ground your body with grounding, earthing and EMF protection products.
The NCB:
If you don’t know some or all of the forces mentioned above, we have a brief explainer to help you better understand what the NCB protects you from.
In order to address these grounding hazards, we want to stop current on the grounding conductors.
Using the example in this diagram, we have a grounding mat.
The NCB is placed between that grounding mat and the wall outlet grounding conductor. There’s a resistor in there, and it stops the current from getting to your grounding mat.
And – VITALLY– the NCB maintains an effective “ground-fault path.” You may not know what that means, but it’s really important. Because, if for some horrible reason an electrical cord is cut or something else goes wrong, and your grounding mat gets electrified, the NCB activates and sends that current back to trip the breaker immediately– protecting you.
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Shield Your Body, 10300 West Charleston Blvd, Suite 13-G31, Las Vegas, NV 89135
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